English, asked by zonunibochungchhakch, 9 months ago

Class 10 English Chapter 2. The Brook
1. Do you think a brook symbolize eternity? Describe in your own words whether you agree or disagree with the poem that a brooks 'goes forever?'

2. What kind of a mood does the brook narrative convey to you? What effect does the poem have on the reader?

3. Is the brook flowing fast or slow at this point? How does the poet's choice of words tell us about the speed of the Brook at various stages?


Answered by reubenvanlalfamkima


1. The brook symbolizes eternity because it flows forever and it keep on going and the brook is imortal.

Answered by baejoohyunrenebaebae


Thee brook symbolises eternity.The brook on its journey had lots of ups and downs,falls from height,goes into deep water and again comes out to continue to flow.It keeps on flowing and goes on forever

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