class 9 ch1 computer system answers
A computer is an electronic device that stores, retrieves and processes data. It can be programmed with instructions. A computer is composed of hardware and software, which transforms some data into information.
1. The basic organisation of a computer comprises of input unit ,CPU and output unit.
2. The three components of CPU are memory unit, automatic and logical unit ,and control unit.
3. The major strength of a computer are :-
- Accuracy •Relabity • speed
•storage capacity • versatility
4. The two types of primary memory are:-
5. RAM:- A blackboard is like a ramp that is constantly overwritten with new data. The commonly used calculator is another example of RAM.
ROM:- An audio video disk resembles a ROM .Once the songs are burnt on a CD the disconnects cannot be changed.
6. MHz( Megahertz)
7. Harddisk
8. Nibble Bit ( group of 4 Bits) / Bits
9. Basic Input/Output system
10. HP (Hewlett Packard)
INTEL ( Integrated electronic)
11. Input- keyboard, mouse, joystick
Output- Monitor, printers, headphones
- speed
- Accuracy
- Reliability
- storage capacity
- Versatility