Physics, asked by pallavi0617, 1 year ago

Coefficient of apparent expansions of a liquid in two different vessels are a and b, the real coefficient of expansions of liquid, if the ratio of volume expansion of vessels is x:y


A)  bx−ayx−y

B)  ay+bxx+y

C)  ay−bxx−y

D)  ay+bxx−y​


Answered by Anonymous


B)  ay+bxx+y

The data now available on radiation induced changes of linear thermal expansion coefficients (CTE) for native structural carbon materials (SCM) irradiated with high fluences are summarized. For different types of native and foreign SCM dose dependences of CTE changes in the temperature range of 300...1600 K and at fluences up to (2...3)x10 22 n/cm 2 (E>0.18 meV) are compared. On the base of this comparison factors defined the CTE changes under neutron irradiation are revealed and the explanation of observed phenomena is offered. Large number of the factors revealed does not allowed to calculate CTE radiation induced changes. 39 refs.; 16 figs.; 5 tabs

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