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Honey bee has four major developmental stages.
Eggs – Queen bee lays around 2000 eggs per day. Fertilized eggs are female ones that becomes either a Worker bee or Queen bee. Unfertilized egg becomes the male bee, which are called drones.
Larva – After three days, egg becomes larvae. For the first three days of this stage, each larva is fed the same food named as Royal Jelly. Later, only the larva that is fed with this special food becomes the Queen.
Pupa – In this stage, bees form the original structures such as legs, wings, hairs, eyes etc.
Adult bee – In this stage, the bees start their actual duties. Drone bees mate with Queen. Worker bees feed the larva and prepare the cell for the next egg to be laid.
The life cycle of honey bees.
- Honey bees fall in the category of insects that are useful to human beings.
- Honey bees are producing honey that has numerous benefits.
- There are three types of honey bees such as drones, workers, and queens. Depending on the type of honey bees, its life cycle has a duration of 24 days, 21 days, and 16 days respectively for drones, workers, and queens.
- For this specified period, bees become adults from eggs.
- There are four stages of honey bees life cycle- egg, larva, pupa, and adult.
- Metamorphism occurred in the queen of honey bees, results in eggs and these eggs are placed into each cell of the honeycomb.
- These eggs are very small just like rice grain and white and translucent.
- After hatching of eggs, there will be larva in the honeycomb look like a snowy white.
- Larva works as a protective layer for the new baby honey bees and feeds it to become a healthy honey bee, resulting into the Pupa stage.
- Once the pupa stage gets over, the adult bee eats the surrounding wax and gets free from the hatch.
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The life cycle of Honey bees
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