Column I shows different positions in which one pole of a magnet is placed near that of the other. Column II indicates the resulting action between them for each situation. Fill in the blanks.
Hey there !
Magnets generally show 2 different properties when brought near another magnet. They are Attraction and Repulsion.
Attraction : This happens when two different sides or poles of a magnet are brought close to each other. Thus the two magnets get attracted to each other.
Repulsion : This happens when two magnets having same poles are brought end to end with each other. This makes the magnet tend away from one magnet and thus make magnets get separated from each other.
So According to the attachment the answers would be:
1. North - North = Repulsion
2. North - South = Attraction
3. South - North = Attraction
4. South - South = Repulsion
Hope my answer helped !
Column I Column II
N - N Repulsion
N - S Attraction
S - N Attraction
S - S Repulsion