English, asked by gauravsingles808, 1 year ago

Combine the following pairs of sentences using the connectors given against

each pair : 4

(a) (i) The lunch pe riod was over.

(ii) We all rushed to wards our class rooms.

( as soon as )

(b) (i) Avishkar should re turn the li brary books.

(ii) He will not be is sued ad mit card.

( un less )

(c) (i) Sally had not cleared Pre-board ex am i na tion.

(ii) She was al lowed by the Princi pal to take the ex am i na tion.

( al though )

(d) (i) Our dog was bur ied near the Nizam-ud-din burial ground.

(ii) As per new rules of the MCD we could n’t have gone any where else.

( be cause )​


Answered by iAmButterBALL


(A) As soon as the lunch period was over, we all rushed towards our classrooms.

(B) Unless Avishkar return the library books, he will not be issued the admit card.

(C) Although Sally has not cleared the pre-board examinations, she was allowed by the principal to give the examinations.

(D) Our dog was buried near the Nizam-ud-din burial ground, because of the new rules of the CMD we couldn't have gone anywhere else.

Answered by akshitmanik

answer is in the picture

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