Common features between maria sharapova and santosh yadav?
While santosh Yadav is the first woman who scaled the Mount Everest twice in a year while Maria Sharapova is one of the top notch Russian tennis player.
The latter was ranked third among the best players of the world. Santosh Yadav is also a very capable officer of Indo Tibetan border police.
Maria Sharapova is the youngest woman to achieve No.1 position in the ranking of World Lawn Tennis; while Santosh Yadav is the youngest woman to scale to the top of Mt. Everest twice.
Maria Sharapova hails from the Russia where tennis was not so popular at that time; while Santosh Yadav was born in the society of Haryana where the girls were not encouraged to participate in any sport.
Maria Sharapova has won 36 singles titles and 5 Grand Slam titles; while Santosh Yadav is the first woman to scale Mt. Everest from Kangshung Face.