Compare the love scene of Miranda and Ferdinand with that of Romeo and Juliet; in what are they alike; how do they differ?
Lesson: The Tempest.
Answer only if u know plz, or else don't answer plz.
Miranda and Ferdinand see each other and fall in love. Prospero pretends not to agree to them getting married straight away and tests Ferdinand's love. Two of Alonso's servants, Stephano and Trinculo, also get shipwrecked on the island. They meet Caliban, a creature from the island who Prospero treats like a slave.
The love scenes of Miranda and Ferdinand and Romeo and Juliet are alike in that all four fall in love at first sight; that their fathers are enemies; that both girls are very young and childlike; that they profess their love at once. The scenes differ in that Miranda does not recognize her feeling for Ferdinand because she has never heard of such a thing as love; while Juliet recognizes her feeling for Romeo at once, — her mother has already discussed marriage with her. The love of Ferdinand and Miranda adds brightness and light to the play while that of Romeo and Juliet bursts forth with a passion which portends tragedy.