Compare the production of baskets by craftspersons and production of paper with reference to the following points: (i) Workplace (ii) Tools/machines (iii) raw materials (iv) Workers (v) Market (vi) Owners.
"Following are the difference between the production of baskets by the craft persons and production of paper:
• WORKPLACE: the production of baskets is generally an activity of small scale industry and is done at home or any such area. The production of paper is done on a large scale and hence is done in the factories.
• TOOLS / MACHINES: traditional equipments like hammer, knives, brake etc are used in the production of baskets whereas, the production of paper id done through the machines installed.
• RAW MATERIALS: Fiber, wood, jute, stems, grasses, thread are used in the production of baskets and wood pulp or plant fiber is used to produce paper.
• WORKERS: craft persons or tribal people generally undertake the production of baskets. And workers or laborers are used in the production of paper.
• OWNERS: the workers or the producers themselves are the owners of the production of baskets and manufacturers are the owner of the production of the paper.
• MARKET: the baskets are sold generally in the local market whereas the paper is sold at a wide market as it is used by everyone and every industry.