Complete the chart
Characteristics of pre disaster management
Answer :
1. Identifying the pro-disaster areas.
1. Identifying the pro-disaster areas. 2. Increasing awareness about disaster management.
1. Identifying the pro-disaster areas. 2. Increasing awareness about disaster management. 3. Getting spl ie. Training for disaster management.
1. Identifying the pro-disaster areas. 2. Increasing awareness about disaster management. 3. Getting spl ie. Training for disaster management. 4. Collecting information about intensity of disaster.
disaster management can be divided into 2 parts:
1. pre-disaster management
2. post-disaster management
pre-disaster management includes the complete preparation and planning to face any types of disaster which includes
-identifying pro-disaster areas,special training for disaster management. post-disaster management is the management of the disaster and includes-help for victims of the disaster, establishing help centres