Complete the following passage by choosing the most appropriate option from the ones given below.
Ferdinand and Isabella, ……………….. (were informed / informed / informing) of the return and discoveries of their admiral ……………. (were awaiting / awaiting / awaited / had awaited) him at Barcelona with honour and munificence worthy ………. (of / for / about / off) the greatness of his services. The nobility ……………. (came / has come / came / had come) from all provinces to meet him. He …………….. (was making / made / makes / had made) a triumphal entry as a prince of future kingdoms. The Indians brought …………. (over / on / off / out) as a living proof of the existence of new races in these newly discovered lands …………….. (marched / had marched / have marched / are marching) at the head of the procession. The animals and birds, the unknown plants, and the precious stones collected from these stones ………………… (were exhibiting / were exhibited / exhibited / exhibiting) in golden basins.
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Were informed, had awaited, of, had come, made, on, had marched, were exhibited.
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