complete the following story in 250 words.In an autom a peackock was dancing happily in the forest suddenly of his ruf voice his voice turned pale
Just then appeared Juna- wife of Jupiter, the chief of gods. She asked the peacock “why are u sad?” The peacock sobbed out “ I have got such a beautiful body that is praised by all but my voice is so bad that everyone laughs at it. So this beauty is useless”.
The goddess replied “you are the only one who is unhappy. Several creatures have been gifted by god with various gifts like you the beauty, eagle the strength, nightingale the sweet voice, so on and so forth. So don’t grumble over your weakness, accept the way it is and be happy. You are the only one that can tell people how to address you. Let the beauty radiate from within you and appreciate what you have. We can’t all have everything at once”.
Hence, one should not regret on what he/she doesn’t have rather be satisfied with what one has.
Moral of the story: Learn to live with your weakness.
In an autumn twilight a peacock was dancing happily in a forest and showed and displayed her beautiful feathers everyone she dances. The peacock was made more and more popular by extracting views in the Animal kingdom and so was the thinking of being superior and prideness rose in Peacock's mind.
Making herself think that she was the one to sustain the popularity she challenged everyone and asked if anyone is more popular than her or not, since, there was no one to accept her challenge the whole flock was silenced until a wise old tortoise told to not be proud by your beautiful feathers surrounding you, a day will come these who watch you will be afraid to approach you. The peacock swiped out and screamed at the tortoise telling no such day will come in my life.
A few days later a nightingale surprised by the dance and movements of Peacock wished to dance to her tune. To the Peacock's demise she turned out to be a great singer and had a great voice attracting much of the animals and making her popular at the same time deceiving the Peacock to sing too. By this when she opened the mouth a terrible disgraceful voice came out of her mouth making the animals contained in a place to bring dissatisfaction and disappointment with much of the irritation coming due to that Peacock's voice. This made the crowd to select Nightingale over Peacock's voice.
There the appearance of wife of Jupiter Juna consulted the Peacock and ask about her utter demise. Peacock replied by saying about the glorious body with beautiful feathers but absence of such great voice than that nightingale regarding her beauty as a trait of uselessness. Juna the goddess touched the reality by affirming everyone has a trait which is special and is given to all respectively, if you see, nightingale was given the sweet voice, Lion with strength, Peacock with beauty, Chameleon with camouflage, and on and on goes the list.
So never display your weaknesses as a sign of despair and hopelessness, this is a God gift and one should be happy about it and accept the way it was bestowed upon and given to. Appreciation of Beauty should be shown let the negative qualities fall off and give the eminence impression to your personality, like beauty. No one can get satisfied with whatever they are given with, be happy and never discuss your weakness, be positive about the impacts and overall experience you have gained through. Never tell yourself to regret with anything.