Complete the story...
My father and sister were coming backhome after attending a marriage ceremony.My father was driving the car...
My father and sister were coming back home after attending a marriage ceremony. My father was driving the car. They were getting late. My sister thought that it would be better for her to lay down in the back seat and take a nap.
My father is a cautious driver and always maintained the speed limit. But being anxious about getting home after dark he started driving a bit faster. The highway was always empty of traffic as the region doesn't have any big towns. In fact it was almost an isolated area.
Suddenly my sister woke up complaining of a stomach ache. My father thought it must be because of something she ate at the wedding.
But her stomach ache was getting worse. Soon she was screaming in pain and my father had to stop the car. He got down and looked around. It was so remote and there was nobody.
Then my father saw two people coming down the road. They came nearer and my father saw that they were a very old couple. My father explained what was happening to them.
The old lady opened her purse and took out a little bottle. She gave it to her husband and told him to give her about three drops to drink. The old man replied that he knows exactly what to do. The couple told my father to get in the car and start driving home. They told him the little girl is going to be fine and she don't need to see a doctor.
My father thanked them and start driving. He looked at the rear view mirror to look at them one last time. They have vanished! There was no one on the road.
My sister got well in a few minutes. They reached home safe. But my father cannot explain the mystery of the old couple who came out of nowhere and then disappeared in seconds. My sister never went to a doctor. My father was never the same again. He is a much better person today, more loving, more caring, more friendly, and happier too. And if you meet him, he will tell you that angels are real.