.complete the table by writing the type of salt produced by given acid
hydrochloric acid = cloride salt
sulfuric acid = sulphate salt
nitric acid = nitrate acid
To make a soluble salt from an acid and an insoluble reactant:
Add some dilute hydrochloric acid to a beaker.
Add powdered insoluble reactant to some acid in a beaker, one spatula at a time, stirring to mix. The mixture will effervesce. Continue adding powder until some unreacted powder is left over - it is in excess.
Filter the mixture in the beaker to remove the excess powder.
Allow the water in the solution to evaporate (by heating and/or leaving for a few days) to obtain pure dry crystals of the salt.
Notes on each step
To make sure all of the acid has reacted, add the excess of the solid reactant.
Filtering removes the unreacted insoluble reactant from the salt solution.
As the acid is all used up and the insoluble reactant has been removed, this only leaves the salt and water. Therefore evaporating the water leaves the pure salt.