English, asked by NiharMadhavi6991, 1 year ago

Composition on a boy stuck in traffic jam


Answered by writersparadise

A boy was cycling to school one day. He had to pass a railway crossing very day. When he reached the place, he saw that the gates had fallen and the signal was red. He moved as close as possible to the gate so that he could cross the tracks fast when the gates opened. Traffic started mounting and there was no way the boy could move backward even if he wanted to.

Even after the train crossed, there was no sign of the gate opening. Rumors started spreading that the gates had got stuck. It was very hot and people were getting restless. As the boy looked around him, he saw a lady sitting on the two wheeler to his right falling from her vehicle. He suddenly realized that she was fainting because of the heat. He immediately got off his bicycle, took his water bottle and rushed to the lady. He splashed the water on her face. By then, a few more people came by to help. Just then the gates opened and a person with a car took the lady to the nearby hospital. The boy was happy that he had done a small good deed for the day.
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