class 7 computer class 7

Admittedly, this hour has thrown a great deal of information at you, most of which is quite technical. But there’s a method to the madness, and now it’s time to see some of the payoff. To help you get some perspective on how elements and attributes fit into a DTD for a new custom markup language, let’s work through the design of a DTD for a sports training markup language. This markup language, which we’ll call ETML (Endurance Training Markup Language), might come in handy if you even decide to compete in a marathon or triathlon—it models training data related to endurance sports such as running, swimming, and cycling. The following are the major pieces of information that are associated with each individual training session:
Date—The date and time of the training session
Type—The type of training session (running, swimming, cycling, and so on)
Heart rate—The average heart rate sustained during the training session
Duration—The duration of the training session
Distance—The distance covered in the training session (measured in miles or kilometers)
Location—The location of the training session
Comments—General comments about the training session