Computer Science, asked by nehamishra35580, 5 months ago

Computer Security & HTML

A) Fill in the blanks:

1. There are _________ types of computer virus.

2. A computer ________ is a malicious code which self-replicates by copying itself to other


3. In which year Apple II virus came into existence?

4. The virus hides itself from getting detected by ______ different ways.

5. _______________ infects the master boot record and it is challenging and a complex task

to remove this virus.

6. In HTML we have _____ heading tags for writing heading?

7. In HTML we have ____ tag for typing paragraphs?

8. In HTML we use _____ tag to get Bold Text?

9. In HTML we use _____ tag to define deleted (removed) of text?

B) Short Questions:

i. What is threat in computer?

ii. Give one difference between Trojan Horse and worms?

iii. List two ethics of computer?

iv. Give one difference between Hackers and Crackers?

v. What is HTML?

C) Long Questions:

1) What is a firewall and write its uses?

2) Write the common firewall techniques?

3) What are the types of Backup? Write name of each.

4) What do you mean by Restore? How it is helpful for you?

5) How would you insert image in an Html document?​


Answered by arorasehajbir

1. Three

2. Malware

3. 1982

4. Three

5. Boot Sector Virus

6. Six

7. <p>

8. <b>

9. <del>

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