English, asked by shreyachandra15, 13 hours ago

computers have made life easier and more convenient .write a composition on how computers changed your life​


Answered by keshav21300


Some people believe that computers provide easier and more convenient lives for them. In their opinion, computers help them surf Internet and share information. They may communicate directly by E. mail. But others hold that computers have made life more complex and stressful and they point out that computers bring many bad effects to human beings, such as information security problem because of hacking attack and environmental pollution because of irradiation. As far as I concerned, I prefer the first opinion rather than the second view.

My opinion comes from following three aspects. First of all, computer made life more efficient than before. For example, people might access websites, gain a lot of valuable information and contact each other around the world. Secondly, computer made life more relax and easier. Computers provide variety kinds of games and people could enjoy and relax from them everyday. Finally, compute help people solve many complicated problem by software, such as investment and finance. Therefore, people`s life becomes more simple and convenient.

However, just as what other people say that computers give us some negative effects in the meantime. For example, Irradiation does harm for our bodies and eyes, so we cannot make people seat too long in front of computers. Hacking is a really trouble, and we are supposed to enhance computer control and technology.

  • In general, computers give people an easier and convenient life. Although there exists some bad effects of computers as mentioned above. We are supposed to do our best to solve the problems and pay more attention on their good effects. I believe that our society will benefit more from them in the future.
Answered by Anonymous


Computers have been around for what seem like decades, it’s a way of life if nothing else we rely on it so much in our daily life. It wasn’t always like this our computer technology has been advancing astronomical. When once computers were seen as a simple calculator for simple calculations. We valued them as they were specialized machines for each person and each person could have a different experience with the computer, recently computers have skyrocketed with improvement in the early 20th century due to new discoveries in technology. Which has changed society in a drastic way.

The availability of these computer and TV’s have a huge impact on the society as well. In later years not too many people owned a computer as they were only used…show more content…

Some people think that this is just a simple matter of getting off the computer, it’s much more than that. I can become a disorder or an addiction, so you can expected someone to just “get of the computer” it takes time and help. The Computer effect on children is also another study that should be looked over as the exposure to computer can have effects on our children’s health.


hope it will help u

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