Physics, asked by ektaturkar, 9 months ago

Concept year of electromagnetic wave


Answered by Anonymous


Electromagnetic waves or EM waves are waves that are created as a result of vibrations between an electric field and a magnetic field. In other words, EM waves are composed of oscillating magnetic and electric fields.


Electromagnetic waves are formed when an electric field comes in contact with a magnetic field. They are hence known as ‘electromagnetic’ waves. The electric field and magnetic field of an electromagnetic wave are perpendicular (at right angles) to each other. They are also perpendicular to the direction of the EM wave.

EM waves travel with a constant velocity of 3.00 x 108 ms-1 in vacuum. They are deflected neither by the electric field, nor by the magnetic field. However, they are capable of showing interference or diffraction. An electromagnetic wave can travel through anything - be it air, a solid material or vacuum. It does not need a medium to propagate or travel from one place to another. Mechanical waves (like sound waves or water waves), on the other hand, need a medium to travel. EM waves are 'transverse' waves. This means that they are measured by their amplitude (height) and wavelength (distance between the highest/lowest points of two consecutive waves).

The highest point of a wave is known as 'crest', whereas the lowest point is known as 'trough'. Electromagnetic waves can be split into a range of frequencies. This is known as the electromagnetic spectrum. Examples of EM waves are radio waves, microwaves, infrared waves, X-rays, gamma rays, etc.

I hope u get this

Shiv here ❤️

Answered by Anonymous


In physics, electromagnetic radiation refers to the waves of the electromagnetic field, propagating through space, carrying electromagnetic radiant energy. It includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared, light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays.


Every form of electromagnetic radiation, including visible light, oscillates in a periodic fashion with peaks and valleys, and displaying a characteristic amplitude, wavelength, and frequency that defines the direction, energy, and intensity of the radiation.

in hindi

विद्युत चुंबकीय स्पेक्ट्रम (Electromagnetic spectrum Meaning in Hindi) (Definition in Hindi) ऊर्जा के निम्नतम तरंग दैर्ध्य से लेकर उच्चतम तरंग दैर्ध्य तक प्रकृति में विद्यमान चुंबकीय विकिरण का परास जिसमें रेडियो तरंगें, अवरक्त प्रकाश, अदृश्य प्रकाश, पराबैंगनी प्रकाश, एक्स-रे एवं गामा-किरणें शामिल हैं।

in vacuum

Electromagnetic waves differ from mechanical waves in that they do not require a medium to propagate. This means that electromagnetic waves can travel not only through air and solid materials, but also through the vacuum of space.

in physics

Definition: Electromagnetic waves or EM waves are waves that are created as a result of vibrations between an electric field and a magnetic field. In other words, EM waves are composed of oscillating magnetic and electric fields.

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