Sociology, asked by hero786, 11 months ago

conclusion of service industry please give me brief answers


Answered by rmn24

Thus, the statistical materials examined above show that in many developing countries, particularly in Asia, there are great possibilities for the use of forms of industrial production having a low level of mechanization. In one or another concrete economic situation very successful use can be made of the positive side of small-scale industry — the greater gross and net output per unit of capital investment as compared with the factory industry. At the same time it should be remembered that large-scale factory production, first of all the production of the means of production, must remain the basis for the industrial development of the countries investigated. Only the development of modern forms of industry can guarantee these countries the most rapid and steady movement along the road of progress. In our view, the present role of small-scale industry is that it makes it possible not to hurry with the development of certain branches and enterprises, i.e., small-scale industry can supply the basic branches with auxiliary output during the entire period of transition to a developed economy. In addition to the fact that such "auxiliary" use of forms with a low level of mechanization will ensure the production of a number of deficit products, it will also considerably increase general employment, and, accordingly, the size of national income. In these forms of production there will be a continuous growth of technical cadres familiar with the principles of a given production unit, able to use at least the most elementary work tools, and possessing certain work skills.

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