Conservation strategies are notnew in our country. We oftenignore that in India, forests arealso home to some of thetraditional communities. In someareas of India, local communitiesare struggling to conserve thesehabitats along with governmentofficials, recognising that only thiswill secure their own long-termlivelihood. In Sariska Tiger Reserve,Rajasthan, villagers have foughtagainst mining by citing theWildlife Protection Act. In manyareas, villagers themselves areprotecting habitats and explicitlyrejecting government involvement.The inhabitants of five villages inthe Alwar district of Rajasthan havedeclared 1,200 hectares of forestas the Bhairodev Dakav 'Sonchuri',declaring their own set of rulesand regulations which do not allowhunting, and are protecting thewildlife against any outsideencroachments.The famous Chipkomovement in the Himalayas hasnot only successfully resisteddeforestation in several areas buthas also shown that communityafforestation with indigenousspecies can be enormouslysuccessful.Farmers and citizen'sgroups like the Beej BachaoAndolan in Tehri and Navdanyahave shown that adequate levels ofdiversified crop production withoutthe use of synthetic chemicals arepossible and economically viable.InIndia joint forest management(JFM) programme furnishes a goodexample for involving localcommunities in the managementand restoration of degradedforests.
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the literary man is as much a product of his society as his art is product of his own reaction to life.even the greatest of artist is sometimes a conscious,sometimes an unconscious exponent of his time spirit ,the time spirit is the total outcome,the quintessential accretion of all the political, social ,religious,and scientific changes of a particular age. the historical aspects of literature ,therefore, minor, or unimportant though it may be for aesthetic purpose cannot be totally ignored.
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