English, asked by shwetabharitkar, 7 months ago

Consider the binary operations on X, a*b = a+b+4, for a, b e X. It satisfies the properties of​


Answered by balyanvivek


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Answered by payalchatterje


It satisfies the properties of Abelian.


Since * closed operation, a*b belongs to X. Hence, it is an abelian group.

More information about Abelian group:

Abelian groups satisfy all the following properties:

1.Closure: For \:  all a,b∈Ga.b∈G

2.Associativity: For \:  all a,b,c∈G , a⋅(b⋅c)=(a⋅b)⋅c

3.Identity \:  Element: There  \: exists e∈G such  \: that  \: for \:  all a∈G, a⋅e=e⋅a=a.

4.Inverse \:  Element: For  \: all a∈G, there \:  exists b∈G such \:  that a⋅b=b⋅a=e.

5.Commutative: For  \:  \: all a,b∈G, a⋅b=b⋅a

A thing to note is that stands for a binary operation which can be multiplication, addition, or composition. The first 4 properties are from the definition of a group. The only thing that makes Abelian groups different from other groups is that the Abelian group has the commutative property. Sometimes, the Abelian group is also called a commutative group.

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