consider the following spreadsheet

c)250(HTML programming)
d)fill colour in conditional formatting
( a ) To calculate the total price and entering in cell E2 :
In cell E2, type C2 * D2, it shows desired answer.
( b ) To arrange in ascending order :
Select the column of price and move the cursor to tool bar and search
for "sort" option and click it. Column will be arranged in ascending
( c ) To find the highest number and enter in cell C6 :
Move the cursor to C6, and click on it.
Enter the command in cell C6 : max ( C2 : C5 )
In cell C6, desired result appears.
( d ) To change the background colour of the cell :
Select the cells, to change the background.
In tool bar, search for colour fill option and click on it.
Background colour of the cell changes.
( e ) To display the data in graphical form :
Use " Chart " option to represent the data in graphical form.
( f ) To center align the text in cell B2 :
Select the cell B2.
Then, search for align option and select it.
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