Consider yourself an academic researcher how will you identify your problem are? What different research design options you will choose and why?
For most research problems, there is not just one possible research design, but a range of possibilities to choose from. The choices you make depend on your priorities in the research, and often involve some tradeoffs – a research design that is strong in one area might be weaker in another.
A qualitative case study is good for gaining in-depth understanding of a specific context, but it does not allow you to generalize to a wider population.
A laboratory experiment allows you to investigate causes and effects with high internal validity, but it might not accurately represent how things work in the real world (external validity).
As well as scientific considerations, you also need to think practically when designing your research.
How much time do you have to collect data and write up the research?
Will you be able to gain access to the data you need (e.g. by travelling to a specific location or contacting specific people)?
Do you have the necessary research skills (e.g. statistical analysis or interview techniques)?
If you realize it is not practically feasible to do the kind of research needed to answer your research questions, you will have to refine your questions further.
To answer your research questions, you will have to analyze the data you collected. The final step in designing the research is to consider your data analysis methods.
Quantitative data analysis
To analyze numerical data, you will probably use statistical methods. These generally require applications such as Excel, SPSS or SAS.
Statistical methods can be used to analyze averages, frequencies, patterns, and correlations between variables. When creating your research design, you should clearly define your variables and formulate hypotheses about the relations between them. Then you can choose appropriate statistical methods to test these hypotheses.
Qualitative data analysis
Analyzing words or images is often a more flexible process that involves the researcher’s subjective judgements. You might focus on identifying and categorizing key themes, interpreting patterns and narratives, or understanding social context and meaning.
When creating your research design, you should consider what approach you will take to analyzing the data. The main themes and categories might only emerge after you have collected the data, but you need to decide what you want to achieve in the analysis.
For example, do you simply want to describe participants’ perceptions and experiences, or will you analyze the meaning of their responses in relation to a social context? Will your analysis focus only on what is said or also on how it is said?
The research design is an important component of your dissertation or thesis proposal. It describes exactly what you plan to do and how you plan to do it, showing your supervisor that your project is both practically feasible and capable of answering your research questions.
Read the guide on how to write a research proposal and make sure you have included all of the steps above in the research design section. Note that, in a proposal, the steps of your research that have yet to be completed should be written in the future tense. The research design or methodology section of your completed paper, on the other hand, describes the research steps in the past tense.
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