contribution of alama iqbal
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Contributions of Allama Iqbal in the independenceof Pakistan
Dr. Mohammad Iqbal, the Islamic poet-philosopher who played such a vital role in the birth of Pakistan, was the first to advocate the formation of independent Muslim state for thesubcontinent. In 1!", in his capacity as President of the Muslim #ea$ue, Iqbal was the first touse a political platform to launch the concept of a separate homeland for Muslims. I haveresearched, selected, and annotated a few thou$hts for you to learn more about our profoundthinker. %s a poet Iqbal represented in perhaps the most sensitive manner, the collective consciousness of his people durin$ a certain period of their history.&orn in 'ovember 1()) in *ialkot, Iqbal achieved hi$h proficiency in %rabic and Persianlan$ua$es at an early a$e. %fter completin$ $raduate studies in philosophy, he became a colle$electurer in #ahore at the a$e of +. #ater he moved to ambrid$e, n$land for hi$her studies andearned Ph.D. from Munich /niversity, 0ermany at the a$e of !".If we a$ree with Iqbals thesis, we must believe that revelation as a source of knowled$ediscontinued after 2!+ .. and the only source of knowled$e now available to us is sense perception and reasonin$ by which we can both understand 0ods will as enunciated in the3uran and *unnah and create new knowled$e to predict and control the natural and social phenomena for purposes of better survival of the humankind. /nfortunately, many Muslims, presumably out of an$er towards their recent colonial past, want to discard all modernknowled$e, labelin$ it as 4western, and strive to di$ out a certain prescription for all our socialills throu$h reli$ious intuition or e5tra-sensory perception 6 an obsurantist and obviously futileeffort.If Muslims had heeded for the last )" years Iqbals advice and considered scientific advancementas an act of prayer, the road map of world power today would have been very different. %bdul3adeer 7han, the nuclear scientist of Pakistan, and his team seem to be the only si$nificante5ception in this re$ard. 8f course scientific inquiry is limited to material, ob9ective andverifiable reality. &ut 3uran forbids us from strivin$ to know the metaphysical and supernaturalreality that it refers to in the verses not entirely clear which are searched for their hiddenmeanin$s only by those in whose hearts there is a deviation. :!;)< %llah has required of us only belief in the unseen.=If one were to reconstruct the form of Islam, which has been made to de$enerate over the courseof history, re-assemble it in such a way that its spirit could return to a complete body, andtransform the trumpet of Israfil were to blow in the +"th century over a dead society and awaken
Dr. Mohammad Iqbal, the Islamic poet-philosopher who played such a vital role in the birth of Pakistan, was the first to advocate the formation of independent Muslim state for thesubcontinent. In 1!", in his capacity as President of the Muslim #ea$ue, Iqbal was the first touse a political platform to launch the concept of a separate homeland for Muslims. I haveresearched, selected, and annotated a few thou$hts for you to learn more about our profoundthinker. %s a poet Iqbal represented in perhaps the most sensitive manner, the collective consciousness of his people durin$ a certain period of their history.&orn in 'ovember 1()) in *ialkot, Iqbal achieved hi$h proficiency in %rabic and Persianlan$ua$es at an early a$e. %fter completin$ $raduate studies in philosophy, he became a colle$electurer in #ahore at the a$e of +. #ater he moved to ambrid$e, n$land for hi$her studies andearned Ph.D. from Munich /niversity, 0ermany at the a$e of !".If we a$ree with Iqbals thesis, we must believe that revelation as a source of knowled$ediscontinued after 2!+ .. and the only source of knowled$e now available to us is sense perception and reasonin$ by which we can both understand 0ods will as enunciated in the3uran and *unnah and create new knowled$e to predict and control the natural and social phenomena for purposes of better survival of the humankind. /nfortunately, many Muslims, presumably out of an$er towards their recent colonial past, want to discard all modernknowled$e, labelin$ it as 4western, and strive to di$ out a certain prescription for all our socialills throu$h reli$ious intuition or e5tra-sensory perception 6 an obsurantist and obviously futileeffort.If Muslims had heeded for the last )" years Iqbals advice and considered scientific advancementas an act of prayer, the road map of world power today would have been very different. %bdul3adeer 7han, the nuclear scientist of Pakistan, and his team seem to be the only si$nificante5ception in this re$ard. 8f course scientific inquiry is limited to material, ob9ective andverifiable reality. &ut 3uran forbids us from strivin$ to know the metaphysical and supernaturalreality that it refers to in the verses not entirely clear which are searched for their hiddenmeanin$s only by those in whose hearts there is a deviation. :!;)< %llah has required of us only belief in the unseen.=If one were to reconstruct the form of Islam, which has been made to de$enerate over the courseof history, re-assemble it in such a way that its spirit could return to a complete body, andtransform the trumpet of Israfil were to blow in the +"th century over a dead society and awaken
thank you so much
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