.......controls the some hormones secretion of pituitary gland
Answered by
❧Hi my dear friend,
The anterior pituitary gland produces the following hormones and releases them into the bloodstream: adrenocorticotropic hormone, which stimulates the adrenal glands to secrete steroid hormones, principally cortisol. growth hormone, which regulates growth, metabolism and body composition.
~Thank you☙
Ask to littlebabypink
Answered by
Heya Mate,
Here is ur answer,
Hormones secreted by the Pitutary glands are:
➡Growth hormone:Helps in growth of the body
➡Trophic hormone:Regulates other hormones like,thyroid gland,adrinaline etc.
➡Prolactin hormone:Helps in milk production in females.
➡Antidivertic hormone:Regulates water balance in the body.
➡Oxytocin: Controls the contraction and relaxing of muscles during birth of a baby.
Here is ur answer,
Hormones secreted by the Pitutary glands are:
➡Growth hormone:Helps in growth of the body
➡Trophic hormone:Regulates other hormones like,thyroid gland,adrinaline etc.
➡Prolactin hormone:Helps in milk production in females.
➡Antidivertic hormone:Regulates water balance in the body.
➡Oxytocin: Controls the contraction and relaxing of muscles during birth of a baby.
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