Conversation between a boy Harsh and the Florist.
HARSH: I'd like to buy a plant for my aunt.
FLORIST: What is the occasion?
HARSH: It's her birthday today.
FLORIST: Then, you should take these Rose plants.
HARSH: How much for these?
FLORIST: These will cost ₹ 350.
HARSH: Oh! it's too much.
FLORIST: Then, take Jasmine plant instead.
HARSH: Okay, will you give it a gift wrap?
FLORIST: Yes. I'll tie a red ribbon around the pot.
HARSH: Oh! it's beautiful!
FLORIST: Thank you. I'm glad you like it.
HARSH: Here is the money.
FLORIST: Thank you. Here is the balance.
Aman Yeah, I do bhaiya.
Bikrant Mail me within an hour. Most probably, you’ll have to join from coming Monday.
Aman ok bhaiya. Please call me once you get the confirmation of joining.
Bikrant But remember, my prestige will be on stake.
Aman Don’t worry bhaiya, I’ll leave no stone unturned.
Bikrant That’s what I wanted to hear. Ok then, I got to hang up now.
Aman Ok bhaiya, see you.