conversation between grandma and grandson
Grandma :How was your first day in school after vacation.
Grandson :My day in school was excellent grandma.
Grandma :What all things you did in school today.
Grandson :I enjoyed a lot. I played with my friends.
Grandma :What about your holiday homework. Grandson :I have submitted my holidays homework to all the teachers
Grandma :So u enjoyed in school.
Grandson: Yes ,grandma
Conversation between grandma and grandson
Grandma:Hello I am fine , are you are fine grandson ?
Grandson:hay grandma I am also fine ,how is your grandpas shop is going.
Grandma: The shop is going well .
grandson:ok how is your cow is she giving milk for good amount ?
Grandma: yes it is giving good amount and pure milk, she is now pregnant do you now
Grandson:Yes mothor told.
Grandma:Ok bye I will call you tomorrow .
Grandson:ok bye.
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