English, asked by Akshaypuri, 1 year ago

conversation between two friends about digital India​

Anonymous: ___k off


Answered by tushargupta0691


Digital India is the Government of India's flagship programme, with the goal of transforming India into a digitally enabled society and knowledge economy.


A. Have you ever considered digital India?

B. Yes, it is my ambition to digitise India.

A. Are you going to pursue your dream?

B. Yes, my grandfather was a social worker, and one of his dreams was to digitise India. After my father died, it became my obligation to digitise India.

A. Will you be able to fulfil your father's and grandfather's dreams?

B. Yes, by the way, let us discuss the benefits of digital India.

A. yes

A. Indians are extremely gifted. If India is digitalized, they will be able to better utilise their talents.

B. In addition, it will reduce the rate of corruption in India.

A. improve its honesty and discipline

A. Do you understand why I used word discipline?

B. No

A. Because inhabitants in every digitalized country are disciplined, and discipline is code for country success.

B. India's great minds who go abroad for work would be happy to work in India.

It is predicted that a campaign like Digital India may boost India's economy by one trillion dollars, and the government is now aiming to transform it into a five trillion dollar economy. India's digital literacy has also increased. It has prepared us for periods such as a pandemic.


Answered by DiyaTsl


Following is the conversation between two friends about digital India​ :

Ramesh : Hey !! How are you ?

Naresh : Iam fine , what about you ?

Ramesh : Iam also well , have you heard about digital India ?

Naresh : Yes,but did not have knowledge about this ? Will you please        brief me about this .

Ramesh : Actually, Digital India is a campaign launched by the Government of India to ensure that government services are  available to citizens electronically, through improved online infrastructure and increased internet connectivity or through digitally empowering the country in the field of technology.

Naresh : Oh !! That nice .

Ramesh : It will help to connect rural areas with high-speed internet connections and will help to improve the literacy rate.

Naresh : Yes you are absolutely right .This will eventually lead to the economic development of our country.


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