Science, asked by ronadas, 10 months ago

Benzene —
para-Nitrobenzoic acid


Answered by Syedhammad
(1)Benzene + CH3-Cl in presence of AlCl3(Cat.)ie F.C. alkylation =>toulene

(2)Toulene + H2SO4/HNO3(nitration) =>p-nitro Toulene .why nitro is at para position? because CH3 is activating group directs the reaction to the ortho or para postion,which means the E+ ie NO2 substitute on para position.why toulene is not treated with KMnO4 in 2nd step ?because If toulenle treated with KMnO4 in 2nd step it will produce benzoic acid which will be deactivating group,which means E+ ie NO2 will cm at meta postion.

(3)p-nitro toulene +KMnO4(O) =>p- nirto Benzoic acid

(4)p-nitro benzoic acid +LiAlH4/ether or B2H6 => p-nitrobenzyl alcohol

Hope it helps you
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