convert infix to postfix 34+2*(9*5-22) what will be maximum count if symbols
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Indian Standard Time is calculated on the basis of 82.5 degrees east longitude from the clock tower in Mirzapur near Allahabad Uttar Pradesh, which is situated approximately on the corresponding longitude reference line.
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Given is an infix expression, Find it's is postfix form.
- In an infix form of expression the operator is shown between the two operands.
- In the Postfix form of expression the operator is shown after the two operands.
- For example, the addition of two numbers in infix form is
and postfix form is
- In order to convert infix to postfix we maintain an operator's stack.
- We visit each operator by traversing through the expression.
- If the precedence of the operator encountered is less than the ones already present in the stack we simply add it in the stack.
- Then we print the operators (already in the stack) having equal greater precedence to the operator currently encountered.
- We have the infix expression
- The Postfix representation of the given infix form is
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