Convert it into past tense.

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Crystals of ferrous sulphate were light green in colour.
When the boiling tube was gently heated, steamy fumes were given out. Those steamy fumes condensed on the cooler parts of the boiling tube, i.e., near its neck to form tiny droplets of a colourless liquid.
1. When the blue litmus paper was touched with the droplet of the colourless liquid: it showed no change in colour.
2. When the red litmus paper was touched with the droplet of the colourless liquid; it showed no change in colour.
3. When the cobalt chloride paper was touched with the droplet of the colourless liquid; it changed to pink colour.
When the boiling tube was strongly heated, the ferrous sulphate crystals crumbled to form a white powdery mass and gived off a colourless gas which strongly fumed in air. The white powdery mass started changing to reddish brown colour.
When the gas was gently wafted towards the nose, it smelled like burning suphur and caused a sensation of coughing.
1. When an acidified potassium dichromate paper was held in the gas, its colour changed from orange to green.
2. When a moist blue litmus paper was held in the gas, its colour changed to red.
3. When a moist red litmus paper was held in the gas, its colour didn't changed.
(vi) When the gases stopped coming, the colour of the residue is like rust, i.e., reddish brown.
#hope this helps u ...
Crystals of ferrous sulphate were light green in colour.
When the boiling tube was gently heated, steamy fumes were given out. Those steamy fumes condensed on the cooler parts of the boiling tube, i.e., near its neck to form tiny droplets of a colourless liquid.
1. When the blue litmus paper was touched with the droplet of the colourless liquid: it showed no change in colour.
2. When the red litmus paper was touched with the droplet of the colourless liquid; it showed no change in colour.
3. When the cobalt chloride paper was touched with the droplet of the colourless liquid; it changed to pink colour.
When the boiling tube was strongly heated, the ferrous sulphate crystals crumbled to form a white powdery mass and gived off a colourless gas which strongly fumed in air. The white powdery mass started changing to reddish brown colour.
When the gas was gently wafted towards the nose, it smelled like burning suphur and caused a sensation of coughing.
1. When an acidified potassium dichromate paper was held in the gas, its colour changed from orange to green.
2. When a moist blue litmus paper was held in the gas, its colour changed to red.
3. When a moist red litmus paper was held in the gas, its colour didn't changed.
(vi) When the gases stopped coming, the colour of the residue is like rust, i.e., reddish brown.
#hope this helps u ...
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