Correct the following sentence:
This city is known for its beautiful sceneries.
This city is known for its scenery
Here we are trying to explain the word scenery which is not a countable noun. Therefore sceneries become the wrong word. A city can always have scenery, but can never have sceneries. Apart from this mistake, the rest of the sentence is absolutely fine.
The sentence should be corrected by writing “This city is known for its beautiful scenery” The word “ Sceneries” is wrong, the scenery is the correct word. The word scenery is uncountable in English langue.
It may be countable in some other languages.
However, in English, we cannot say sceneries or scenery.
As per rule of English grammar, uncountable nouns have no be used as plural forms and they cannot be used with numbers or the article like a or an.
And hence the sentence ‘This city is known for its beautiful sceneries, is not correct.