English, asked by dibyasanyashi54, 1 year ago

Correct the four errors below which involve colons and semi-colons.
As the nights daw in and the rain lashes down, it’s all too easy to keep yourself indoors wrapped up against the ills and chills.Or, if you have to venture out, doing doonly if cocooned in your car with the heating: on full blast ...

Dr Terrence Latimer, cheif medical officer for the famous Team turbulence, says;

*“The key is not to separate riding a bike from your other daily activities, but on the contrary to intergrate it. Riding to work is the best activity, as that gets you in the saddle every day however, not everyone lives close enough to the office to do that. You don’t have to pedal the whole distance, though, as some trains do allow bikes on boat. Where to put your bike at work can also be a concern, but if space is an issue then technology has the answer flooding bikes.


Answered by sushantmadane85


Correct the four errors below which involve colons and semi-colons.

As the nights daw in and the rain lashes down it’s all too easy to keep yourself indoors wrapped up against the ills and chills.Or, if you have to venture out, doing doonly if cocooned in your car with the heating: on full blast ...

Dr Terrence Latimer, cheif medical officer for the famous Team turbulence says;

“The key is not to separate riding a bike from your other daily activities, but on the contrary to intergrate it. Riding to work is the best activity, as that gets you in the saddle every day however not everyone lives close enough to the office to do that. You don’t have to pedal the whole distance, though, as some trains do allow bikes on boat. Where to put your bike at work can also be a concern, but if space is an issue then technology has the answer flooding bikes.

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