Corresponding magnetic field of given electric field
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Given the following electric field: E⃗ (r,t)=Re{[Eox^+iEoy^]exp[ 2πi ((2⋅104cm−1) z − (5⋅1014s−1) t)]}
I wish to find an expression for the magnetic field in a medium of refractive index n>1. What I know so far:
∇⃗ ⋅B⃗ =0∇⃗ ×B⃗ =ϵμ∂E⃗ ∂t+μJ⃗
Because J⃗ =0 and charge density is 0 (electromagnetic wave), this will be E⃗ =B⃗ ×v⃗ . However, I'm drawing a blank on how to finish solving the problem. Can anybody point me in the right direction?
EDIT: Forgot to mention that μr=1.
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