crackers should not be banned debate
1. Traditions: The burning of firecrackers has been in the Hindu tradition for years and suddenly implementing a ban on it might hurt their religious sentiments. Fireworks have been an inherent part of the Diwali celebrations and not just Hindus, but people of other religion equally partake in this festival.
2. Reforms: Instead of banning the fireworks, there could be reformatory measures to lessen the amount of these firecrackers that could be burnt in a single day. Some areas near hospitals and old age homes should have firecracker prohibition rules which should be strictly implemented.
3. Almost 3 lakh people were employed under the firecracker industry in these places, and 5 lakh people in packaging, transporting, distributing and selling these crackers. Thus, the ban would also mean huge unemployment in these states.
4.Bursting crackers on Diwali has always been on the to-do-list in every family. A Deepavali without firecrackers will definitely be a cut-down in entertainment and recreation for the kids, as well as the elders.
5. with the ban, the religious sentiments get triggered too. In 2017, the Hindu community raised questions on the ban of Christmas trees on Christmas, or slaughter of lamb on Eid, or colors on Holi etc., thinking it to be against their communal practices.