Create a HTML document giving details of your name,age, telephone, address,roll no using align tag with coding and output
hind i please vubj t.vj
The document is as below:
<li>Name : Anant Sood/li>
<li>Address : At & Po Gadh</li>
<li>Mo NO- +91 0000000010</li>
<li>Desi.: Student at IC DEOL Nootan Bharati Madana</li>
<li>En. No: 145566778</li>
A HTML document giving details of your name, age, telephone, address, roll no using align tag with coding is as below:
The document is as below:
<li>Name : Anant Sood/li>
<li>Address : At & Po Gadh</li>
<li>Mo NO- +91 0000000010</li>
<li>Desi.: Student at IC DEOL Nootan Bharati Madana</li>
<li>En. No: 145566778</li>
Hope you all will enjoy this Post. Any kind of positive suggestions regarding this post are heartly accepted. If any one has problem with this post content, kindly let me know through email , i will update or remove this post as soon as possible
Anant Sood
SA Palanpur HO
Mo no:+91 8866984506
eMail : [email protected]