Computer Science, asked by amaysingh1234, 6 hours ago

Create a Webpage in HTML on Pollution of Water and Air. Set the background colour of web page to Green and Top margin to 70. Create 2 columns in the table named as City and Pollution Level. The caption of the Table should be Pollution. Apply heading style 1 to it. Create 3 rows in the table and enter records. Set the background colour and border colour of the heading row to 'red' and 'yellow; respectively. Set Cell Padding of the table to 6. Insert one image about Kyoto Protocol.


Answered by majirouvik


<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


<meta charset="utf-8">

<title>Pollution of water and Air</title>


<body bgcolor="Green" topmargin="70">

<table padding="6" border="1">



<td bordercolor="red" bgcolor="red">City</td>

<td bordercolor="yellow" bgcolor="yellow">Pollution Level</td>















<img src="./kyotoProtocol.png" alt="Kyoto Protocol">






• Image source is gibberish and is not required in exam so I have not provided it

• You can ignore the meta tag and Lang attribute in html tag

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