Create aHTML webpage to insert a paragraph on your favourite subject and apply the following text properties: a) color - green b)text-align - right c) text-decoration - overline d) word spacing - 10px PLEASE SEND ME THE INPUT AND OUTPUT
<body text= "GREEN" >
<p color = "GREEN" align = "RIGHT" style = "word-spacing:10px;">
<br> My favorite subject.
<br>A HTML webpage to insert a paragraph on your favorite
subject and apply the following text properties:
a)color - green b)text-align - right c) text-decoration -
overlie d) word spacing - 10px PLEASE SEND ME THE INPUT
Below is the output of the above code.
Answer: INPUT
<style type ="text/css">
p{word spacing - 10px;text-align-right;text-decoration-overline;background-color:green}
<h1> favourite subject </h1>
<p> My favourite subject is Hindi</P>