Political Science, asked by adarshchaubey7352, 1 year ago

Critical analysis of local government in india


Answered by sanskarsworup
ple. It is convenient for the people to approach the local government for solving their problems both quickly and with minimum cost.However, the system of Local Self-Government is not completely without any defect or drawback. The disadvantages of Local Self-Government are discussed below-

1)Finance Scarcity– The one of the most common problem which is faced by the local bodies is the scarcity of finance and funds. When compared to their functions, their source of income is insignificant. Their main sources of income includes different type of taxes. However, most of the income generating taxes is levied by the union and state governments and, the taxes collected by the urban bodies are not sufficient to cover the expenses of the services provided.

2)Unplanned urbanization -Urbanization is the facet of the development and it is on the ascendance. The municipal authorities are not able to cope with the increasing demands of the people, both quantitatively and qualitatively. The situation is deteriorating due to the rural inrush in cities and hence, at times these has converted in slums. The development of populace and enterprises displays an extraordinary test of environmental debasement and contamination of water, air and land.

3)Excessive State Control- Although the Act of 1993 guarantees higher autonomy than the pre- 1992 condition, but still the de facto relationship-control over local bodies has not changed in considerable amount,excluding corporations. The department of local government and the state director of local bodiesof various states did not seems to have taken any significant initiative for relaxation of control or devolution of powers in this account. The state governments have the ability to supersede and break up metropolitan bodies in specific situations. The legal aspect i.e. the Indian Constitution is the gatekeeper of national’s rights and different types of writs can be issued to keep the local organization inside their limits.

4) Low Effectiveness-In perspective of insufficient accounts, the local bodies does not possess the capacity to satisfy their necessities.Therefore, they face a continuous outcry from the government as well as public. The necessity i.e., water cannotbe supplied properly, drainage facilities is improper, unplanned colonies along with slums are on ascendance, danger of stray cattle on the streets continues, traffic is unplanned, streets are not legitimately kept up and risky structures are permitted, notwithstanding the conspicuous risk to the inmates and the tenants of the territory.Summing up, poor sanitation, poor cleanliness and lack of essential necessities make urban communities dangerous.

5)Multiplicity of Agencies- A huge criticism is leveled against the introductionof single purpose agencies. These are influenced by bureaucrats, which goes against the basic principle of democracy. The examples are- state transport corporation, water supply department,state electricity board etc. These bodies function directly under the supervision of the state government and are not accountable to local government. The functions that have been assigned to them belong really to the elected urban bodies. This lowers the powers and prestige of the local bodies

Answered by 12617


sorry dont know plz refer the above passage

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