critical analysis of my lost dollar
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My Lost Dollar is a humorous story which tells us the various strategies applied by the author ful The bumour is to e found to retrieve a dollar lent to a friend but all these remain unsuccess between the lines and thereader has to be really in areceiving mood to be able to grasp it Assuchthere is noplot in the story itis only about the lamentation. of the author over his lost hoborrows money often forgets allabout it but the lender does not. dolar that a person The circumstan ofborrowing here is perfectly natura aman leaving for Bermuda has topay a taxi and he finds that he does nothaveasmall denomination ofmoney. At such a time his friend comesto his rescue by lending him a dollar and he even asks whethetitis sufficient Little does he realize that it is the last time that hchas seen thedollar The author humorously points out how he refers to the American in the hope ofrousing Todd's memory, to the cost of the trip if he remembers but all in vain. It has slipped off the bomower's mind completely. There are other incidents too that evoke a smile like Todd's discussing Poland and her debts notremembering about the dollar; likeLeacock's own fears about his owing a dollar to some men and forgetting about it like his starting a BACK TO HONESTY" movement for paying back all the odd dollars because nations cannot be great unless the people are absolutely honest. ousness. The author has wanted to It isan enjoyable story for its simplicity and unpreten convey his mournful thoughts after losing adollar tohis friend. He indirectly wants the bomower not to be so careless as to forget the borrowed money. This message is also given in the garb of plain humour. There no attempt at preaching
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