Cross the odd one out : Ralk ,Rahks,Leega, Warpsor
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All these words are the scrambled forms of some names of creatures; where Ralk is the scrambled form of ‘Lark’ that is the name of a small songbird; Rahks is the scrambled form of ‘Shark’ that is a kind of fish; Leega is the scrambled form of ‘Eagle’ that is a large bird; whereas Warpsor is the scrambled form of ‘Sparrow’ that is another species of bird.
Therefore, Rahks is the odd one out here, since the only Shark is a fish and the rest are all birds.
Therefore, Rahks is the odd one out here, since the only Shark is a fish and the rest are all birds.
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Rahks is the odd one out.
- If we unscramble these words they form very common English words of some well-known creatures. Ralk is lark.
- Rahks is the scrambled word of shark. Leega is eagle and warpsor is sparrow. Now out of eagle sparrow shark and lark, shark is the odd one out.
- Lark is a terrestrial mammal, sparrow is a bird and lives mostly on the land, Same is the case of eagle, which is a scavenger terrestrial bird. Hence the odd one is the whale which lives in marine environment.
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