Csn anyone tell me 10 latest news in French .
Delhi HC publie des notifications à Center, RBI sur un plaidoyer contre Google Pay
Après les remarques de Rahul Gandhi, Ghulam Nabi Azad dit qu'il quittera le parti s'il est trouvé en collusion avec le BJP: sources
Il n'y aura pas de licenciement d'employés en raison de la fusion d'OBC, UBI avec PNB
Le patron de Motherson Sumi se fixe un objectif de taille pour son entreprise
La propre technologie 5G de Jio peut aider à réduire les coûts de déploiement du réseau de 10 à 15%: analystes
La TPS a réduit les taux d'imposition, a doublé l'assiette des contribuables à 1,24 cr: ministère des Finances
PM CARES financera deux hôpitaux COVID de 500 lits à Bihar
L'argent chinois suspendu alors que l'Inde renforce le mur contre Pékin
SP Balasubramaniam teste négatif pour Covid
Sonia Gandhi demande au CWC de préparer une feuille de route pour le nouveau chef de parti et les élections organisationnelles
Le titre de prêt d'or de l'artiste vedette tombe soudainement en disgrâce sur Dalal Street
1. France 24
France 24Paris, Ile-de-France, FranceAbout Website FRANCE 24 is the first international news channel that offers a French perspective and sensibility on world events. It broadcasts worldwide on a 24/7 basis on three channels, in French, English and Arabic.Get all the latest breaking news from France 24 on Business, Sports, Culture as well as news from the US, Europe, Asia Pacific, Africa, Middle East, America. Frequency 17 posts / dayAlso in World News Websites Website france24.com/en+ Follow
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2. Expatica | French news
Expatica | French newsHaarlemAbout Website Keeping you in touch with local and international news relating to France. Expatica is a English language media company serving news and information for expats living in or moving to France. Website expatica.com/fr/news+ Follow
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3. The Local - France's News in English
The Local - France's News in EnglishFranceAbout Website The Local is the largest English-language news network in France. Our entertaining blend of daily news, business and features has made the site essential reading for foreign professionals in Europe. Follow this news website and get information on defining the issues we care about and how we respond to them as a community. Frequency 30 posts / yearAlso in French Blogs Website thelocal.fr+ Follow
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4. RFI | The economic issues and policy in France
RFI | The economic issues and policy in FranceParis, FranceAbout Website Follow any political information, cultural, sporting and live streaming on RFI. The latest information, news and events in France and Europe. Frequency 2 posts / day Website en.rfi.fr/france+ Follow
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5. Mediapart | Mediapart reports in English
Mediapart | Mediapart reports in EnglishParisAbout Website Mediapart is Independent Online News and Participatory Website launched in March 2008 around Edwy Plenel with an editorial team of more than 35 journalists. Frequency 6 posts / dayAlso in Paris Blogs Website mediapart.fr/en/english+ Follow
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