Cultural and educational right
Cultural and educational rightspreserve the right of any section of citizens to conserve their culture, language or script, and right of minorities to establish and administereducational institutions of their choice. ... The right to constitutional remedies is present for enforcement of fundamental rights.
Cultural and educational rights of the minorities are very important and essential which work as a tool for the uplifment of the minorities. Culture plays a vital role for the congenial development of children who belong to the community of minorities and that is why the preservation of culture, language and religion are important. Without education the progress of a community is not possible and the transformation of a society depends on education. All over the world it has been found that there is a huge gap between the minority and majority communities. For the sake of equality and a healthy relationship between the communities there need some special right of the minority. The world human right documents also recognized the cultural and educational rights of the minorities.