Current Challanges facing Indian Economy/105
12.13 Suggestions for removal of Poverty
The following suggestions may be given for removal of poverty in India-
1. Rapid economic growth
We must increase the rate of economic
growth for reducing the poverty. Increase in economic growth promotes the
development of agriculture and cottage industries which can provide more
employment to the masses.
2. Rural industrialisation - The problem of unemployment, under
employment, seasonal unemployment and disguised unemployment in rural areas is
accute. Hence, the development of small and labour intensive industrial units can
help a lot in reducing rural poverty.
3. Expansion of rural public construction works - Public construction
like road, canals, wells, houses, electrification etc. should be given high priority in
rural development programmes which can help reduce poverty and unemployment
4. Agricultural Development - Under agricultural development, special
attention should be paid to employment-oriented schemes rather than
mechanisation of agriculture. Expansion of irrigation facilities, timely supply of
fertilisers, pesticides, high quality of seeds in adequate quantity can help increase the
agricultural production to a great extent. As a result
, the per capita income will be
increased which will reduce the poverty.
5. Land reforms - Land reform programmes can also help reduce the
poverty in rural areas. The existing land legislation needs amendment. Ceiling of
and holdings should be enforced and additional land should be distributed to
Indless agricultural labourers.
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