Science, asked by sharadyadav7390, 6 months ago

D. Answer the following questions in brief.
Define the following terms:
(a) Holozoic nutrition
(b) Alimentary canal
2. Give the meaning of the terms:
(a) Assimilation
(b) Rumination
3. Name the organs that make up
the human alimentary canal.
4. State two differences between milk teeth and permanent teeth.
Name the four types of teeth in the human mouth.
State the function of the (a) incisor teeth (b) premolar teeth.
7. State the role of acid in the human stomach.
8. State the function of (a) bile juice and (b) pancreatic juice in the
digestive system​


Answered by palak8733


5. Canine, Incisors, Molar, Premolar..

Answered by shrinijarvis

1.a) Holozoic nutrition: in this mode of nutrition animals feed mostly on solid food (complex food material). ex: humans, dogs.

  b) Alimentary canal: the alimentary canal is a long hollow, coiled, muscular and glandular tube of variable diameter that contains a number of specialized sections from mouth to anus. the various organs present in the alimentary canal is the mouth, oesophaghus, stomach, intestine, rectum and anus. it is 6 - 9 meters in length.

2. a) Assimilation: use of simple food components for the synthesis of complex components in different body cells to obtain energy.

    b) Rumination: the process of rechewing the cud to further breakdown plant matter and stimulate digestion is called rumination. this happens in ruminants.(cows, buffaloes, ox, goats, etc)

3. the organs that make up the human alimentary canal are mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus.

4. milk teeth is the first set of teeth whereas permanent teeth are teeth which forms after the falling of the milk teeth. this permanent teeth remains for almost your whole life.

5. incisors, canines, molars, premolars.

6. a) incisor teeth: incisors are single rooted, monocuspid, long, curved and sharp edged. these teeth are used for cutting and cropping.

    b) premolar teeth: premolars have single root and bicuspid. they are used for crushing and grinding.

7. acid present in the stomach converts the inactive enzymes secreted into the stomach and kills bacteria present in the stomach.

8. a) bile juice: bile juice contains bile salts (glycolate and taurocholate) which help in the emulsification of fats.

   b) pancreatic juice:

      1) complete the digestion of fats

     2) carry out digestion of half of the proteins

     3) responsible for the complete digestion of fats

     4) digest nucleic acids (dna,rna)


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