English, asked by SUHAIL2007, 1 month ago

D. Think and answer.
Good stories sometimes follow a pattern to make the story more dramatic.
reader to
setting and
(what happens
to move the
story towards
its end)
(how the
story ends)
How does The Quarrel follow this pattern? Divide the story into these
four parts.​


Answered by 95943536ayan

You’re correct. A plot has twists and turns. It has set backs and mini climaxes. No, it doesn’t need to follow a chronological order (which is, by the way, the difference in definition between story and plot). It can, like Time Travelers Wife, jump around in the timeline. But ultimately every narrative: novel, short story, movie alike has an inciting incident that propels our protagonist to take action and a climax, a point of no return for our protag, where the decision of the power struggle set up in underlying conflict, is absolutely determined. The fact that this structure exists in all narrative in no way inhibits creativity. Only you can limit creativity. You must get from point A to point B. How creatively you want to do that is up to you, but if you don’t get from point A to point B every agent, editor and publisher on the planet will tell you that you have no plot.

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