D. Tick the most appropriate answer.
1. Water is not used as a barometeric liquid
because :
(a) it is difficult to have a barometer tube
11 m long
(b) water vaporises under vacuum
(c) water sticks to the side of glass tube.
(d) all the above
2. The space above the mercury in a simple
barometer is called :
(a) Torcellian vacuum
(b) Newton's vacuum
(c) Archimede's vacuum
(d) None of these
3. The vertical height of mercury which a
simple barometer can support at sea
(a) 76 cm
(b) more than 76 cm
(c) less than 76 cm (d) none of these
4. When the ink fountain pen leaks on high
altitude :
(a) pressure of air is more outside than
inside the ink pen.
(b) pressure of air is less outside than
inside the ink pen.
(c) the density of ink on high altitude
(d) none of these
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