Dash and dash are two important factors that can change substance into resources
Human an technology
There is only human potential which converts a substance into a RESOURCE,with accessible technology.
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___ and ___ are two important factors that can change substance into resources ?
__Time__ and __Technology__ are two important factors that can change substance into resources.
Explanation :
Time and technology are the two important factors that convert any substance into a resource.
Any substance remains matter in its ordinary state, but due to time and technology, that substance is converted into a resource.
Humans discovered fire and learned the process of cooking. The wheel was invented and modes of transport developed. Invented a way to generate energy from fast running water by the technique of hydroelectricity. In this way, time and technology have converted all these simple substances into important resources.
Time and technology are both intertwined with people's lives and their needs. Human beings are the most important resource in themselves. The thought, the knowledge, the thinking that he has, and the inventions and discoveries he makes, lead to the creation of more resources.
When a discovery leads to an invention, it paves the way for another discovery. In this way the process of development continues.