| DATE :
2. Database is an operating system.
15 an input device.
Mist each statement :
3. An operating system assigns memory to programs.
4. A word processor can be used to rearrange a text.
5. MS Paint is a word processing software.
8. Match the Column A with Column B.
Column A
1. System software
2. Programs
Column B
3. A spreadsheet software
(a) MS Excel
4. A word processor
(b) Oracle
5. Database management system software
(c) MS Word
ultiple Choice Questions (MCQs).
(d) Sets of instruction
(e) Control overall operation
ek () the correct option from the following:
IPO cycle refers to
(a) Internal Protocol
(C) Input-Process-Output
(6) International Polic
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sorry for this answer I don't know
not esay to deal
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